Meta's gearing up to supercharge its AI game by adding enhanced voice features to its upcoming Llama 4 model.
The goal is to make interactions feel more like natural conversations, allowing users to jump in and out as they please, moving beyond the typical rigid Q&A setup.

Why the focus on voice? Meta sees the future of AI agents as chatty companions rather than just text-based responders.
Imagine asking your AI assistant to book a table at your favorite restaurant or whip up a quick video without lifting a finger.
That's the kind of seamless interaction they're aiming for.
But it doesn't stop there. Meta's also mulling over a premium subscription for its AI assistant, Meta AI, which could handle tasks like reservations and video creation.
Plus, they're exploring the idea of sprinkling sponsored posts or ads into the assistant's search results.
It's all part of their strategy to position themselves as leaders in the AI space, with 2025 being a pivotal year for rolling out these innovations.
In essence, Meta's pushing the envelope to make AI interactions more fluid and intuitive, blurring the lines between human conversation and machine responses. |