Facebook use might be dropping among older generations, but Gen Z is actually jumping on board more. According to a report from EMarketer, by 2028, over half of Gen-Z will be on Facebook, up from just under half in 2024.
So, why the increase? It’s not just about messaging anymore—Facebook has become super practical for organizing events and snagging deals on Marketplace.
In fact, 75% of Gen-Z who use Facebook have bought something through Marketplace in the past year. Conversely, TikTok has pretty much maxed out with Gen Z, it’s starting to gain traction with boomers. About a million more are expected to join in the next year, showing that TikTok has something for everyone.
This report is important because it highlights how social media habits are changing across different age groups.
For Gen Z, it’s kind of surprising (but also cool) to see that while other platforms are losing steam, Facebook is still relevant. And with TikTok picking up with older users, it’s clear that these platforms are adapting to appeal to a wider audience.
If you’re into marketing or content creation, understanding these trends can help you stay ahead of the curve and better connect with your audience. |