Telegram just rolled out a hefty 2.0 update for its in-app “mini-apps,” with a bunch of new features.
These mini-apps can run full screen, support subscription plans, let you send gifts, and even get pinned to your homescreen for quicker access.
The update is a sign of Telegram’s ambition to turn into a WeChat-style super app, a goal that’s usually slow-walked by gatekeepers like Apple and Google.
But they’re totally going for it, with mini-apps that can now generate downloadable files, access device location for things like weather or maps, and even offer subscriptions to help developers monetize.
Games like Doom can go full-screen in either portrait or landscape mode, with expanded gestures and interfaces to fit more gaming styles.
Plus, they now get access to your device’s processor and RAM details, optimizing performance just like native apps. Oh, and gyro controls are in the mix too.
On top of all that, you can now share media and referral codes from mini-apps directly into any chat. Developers get custom loading screens, and premium users gain the ability to set emoji statuses from inside mini-apps. It’s a big leap toward making Telegram a true all-in-one platform.