The First City Festival in Monterey, California offers a music, food and fresh ocean air experience with sophisticated indie rock and indie pop bands near the beautiful coast of California. There's also a Vaudeville stage and carnival for more theateresque auspices to go along with three music stages and after parties. It's close to San Francisco for hotel accomodations and vacation time. The First City Festival 2014 dates are Aug. 23 -24. The First City Festival 2014 lineup and First City Festival tickets are below.
Come back during the festival weekend and after for archived First City Festival video performances and live sets. Also check out our Music Festival Videos channel for music festival video coverage.
The National
The Naked And Famous
Best Coast
Future Islands
Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.
Connan Mockasin
Blind Pilot
Lake Street Drive
Tokyo Police Club
Unknown Mortal Orchestra
How To Dress Well
San Fermin
The Men
Miniature Tigers
Midi Matilda
Speedy Hortitz
Sleepy Sun
The Stepkids
Mimicking Birds
Mr. Little Jeans
The Lonely Wild
The Family Crest
Doee Eye
Cool Ghouls
Survival Guide
Vaudeville Stage Lineup
Puddles Pity Party
John Brother Piano Company
Vau de Vire Society
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